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  • Hey do you only restart the map or the whole game. I am curious
  • It has to be a new save with the fix of course your old saves won't be fixed from it
  • The reason there is a limit is because the blueprints have to be loaded when you enter a map. So the more Blueprints you have the longer the loading time gets. So they put it there that the loading time don't get rediculous long. But you can increas…
  • Hey Corky Your CPU shouldn't be the problem from what i see you have a MacBook Pro from mid 2014. But just to make sure how high is the load on your CPU while trying to load a map ? Try loading the map troubled Heaps and Pioneer Pass. How long are y…
  • Electroz mod has a small issue you can't load save files. Just use this file and it should work. Credit goes to electroz for the mod and to Limeyhoney for pointing out the issue and finding out the solution.
  • Hey there is a limit of 16 Blueprints that you can have. The loading times would be too long otherwise. The delete button only works for blueprints you have created and no for those you subscribed to
  • Hey Try disabling your Firewalls. In case you have programms like Hamachi disable or uninstall them. Could you eloberate how the problem manifests itself ?
  • Ok the CPU should be enough just don't have another game or anything other CPU hungry running
  • Well in that case it would be good to know what CPU exactly you have. To make sure that it can run the game. You can find that out by right clicking on the windows symbol and then click on system.
  • What's your operating system ? Windows linux ... Intel Core i5 7th gen isn't very accurate but since you have a gtx 1050 i assume you have a desktop pc and not a laptop so it should be fine (there are 17 CPUs in that generation ) You can try to do…
  • Hey. I have a rough understanding thanks to google. So it doesn't respond after 93% but that solves and it loads but you don't see the game at all you just have the courser and the sound right ? Or do you just see white or black ? First it would be …
  • Try disabling your Firewalls. Do you have any other Programs installed like Evolve, Hamachi for example ?
  • I hope this explains it
  • Sorry for google translate Désolé pour google traduction Ma façon de faire consiste à créer une tâche de construction et à cliquer sur CTRL. Comme ils sont un succès pour les travailleurs, c'est assez rapide. English My way is to just create a con…
  • @Restredainted Yea it doesn't work on taller walls. The current easy fix is to just put a merlon in front of the wall. Any your archers are able to shoot at all corruptrons
  • You need to click on the load blueprint button first
  • Man sichert es aber indem man eine kopie erstell oder die Dateien an einen anderen Ort zieht. Dann deinstalliert man das Spiel installiert erneut und fügt die kopierten Datein zurück in den Ordner. Ach und Ich würde in Discord sehr viel schneller a…
  • Welche Dateien. in wie fern hast du sie gesichert ? Hast du sie auch wieder hinzugefügt ?
  • Mhh es sollte in der 20 Zeile stehen
  • It might be that the Trees/treestumps are in the way. Try to cut them down first.
  • In \Steam\steamapps\common\Castle Story\Info\Lua\Gamemodes[gamemode für den du es ändern willst]\config.lua bei bricktronCap = 15 Aber sei dir bewusst die Limitierung ist um Performance und Balancing sicher zu stellen.
  • Das bedeuted das 2 Dateien Fehlerhaft waren und deshalb wohl dein Spiel nicht starten wollte. Kann beim updaten passieren oder wenn das Spiel oder der PC crasht oder wenn etwas mit der Festplatte nicht in Ordnung ist
  • Ich würde empfehlen die Dateien auf Fehler zu Überprüfen indem du rechtsklick auf Castle Story in Steam machst, dann auf Eigenschaften danach auf den Lokale Dateien Tab und nun auf Dateien auf Fehler überprüfen... klicken. Wenn der Vorgang abgeschlo…
  • You can just turn of stone brimstone and iron. Also if you place 2 tunnel tasks next to each other you will have to mine 2 voxel rows less. So just make Tunnels quite low and mine it everything above will crumble but be aware it will be quite laggy …
  • Du kannst beides in C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Castle Story\Info\Lua\Gamemodes\invasion\Presets umstellen. Ich würde empfehlen invasion_normal_ zu kopieren und in der Kopie alles umzustellen. waveDuration ist die Zeit zwischen den Wellen startingWork…
  • All the names are on credit island. Depending on the Tier you bought it's either written out in Letters somewhere on the Island or it's in a blue crystal ore somehwere in the ground. If you dig that block the soul will pop out and a Bricktron with y…
  • 1. Begging for it now over 1 year i think. 2. So basically a stronger bear trap with more range ? 3. But is specifically designed for destroying walls for PVP 4. Would be cool i guess 5. I have no clue how they missed those stairs 6. Could be quite …
  • I quite like the idea. Maybe like you already said make them do different amount of damage but i think of also different ranges. Like Explosive Barrel has a long range but moderate AOE damage Rubble has less range but a bit more damage Rock has a sh…
  • I am suprised that you didn't had that idea with the easy install by yourself since you commented on electroz mod
  • A bit easier for the instalations is. 1) Download the file attached at the bottom of this post. 2) Extract the "Info" folder from the My Co op or PVP invasion Reworked Mod 1.rar compressed file. 3) Go to your Castle Story folder by right-clicking Ca…