big building making too much lag

Hi I play the game from some days and I builded one structure it was i think over 4-5 flours and is 13x6 interior space and much stockpiles. the building is next to my second stockpile zone and main cristal and I destroyed some flours (cuz its laggy when I watch it) so it left 2 and roof with stock piles of course but it still makes so much lag when I look at it. is there some way to remove the lag (I think the game is making "history of the blocks")


  • btw here is download link for the save game version: (17, 14, 2)
  • ForgetaboutmeForgetaboutme Member
    edited August 2017
    The game gets more lag when there are too much stockpiles around. Buildings on their own don't really slow the game down, I think. Also the number of Bricktrons and tasks affect the performance.

    Made this here:

    In my first session, after 70 hours, 80 stockpiles, and 26 Bricktrones the game was using 12 gig of my 16 gig of ram.

    After imigrating the building on a blank map and starting a new game, itwas runnning way better using less of ram.
  • The game gets more lag when there are too much stockpiles around. Buildings on their own don't really slow the game down, I think. Also the number of Bricktrons and tasks affect the performance.

    Made this here:

    In my first session, after 70 hours, 80 stockpiles, and 26 Bricktrones the game was using 12 gig of my 16 gig of ram.

    After imigrating the building on a blank map and starting a new game, itwas runnning way better using less of ram.

    about the workers "bricktrones" I have 20 but only where the building is lagy, have 8 gb ram and I tried to slove by browsing the web and found that high building with stock piles can couse lag
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey @rosen1000 - could you .zip up your save file and upload it directly here, on the forums?

    Thank you!
  • rosen1000rosen1000 Member
    edited August 2017
    Shatojon said:

    Hey @rosen1000 - could you .zip up your save file and upload it directly here, on the forums?

    Thank you!

    if u didn't noticed @Shatojon on the 2-nd post I placed a link (
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Rosen,

    That page isn't working for me. Can you please upload that file on our actual forum platform? Use this button:
  • You have a bad computer.
  • Buildings don't lag your game too much. It's only when you build thousands and thousands of blocks that some performance issues occur.
  • @Shatojon

    I downloaded the file that he uploaded so I could upload it here for you.
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Thank you!
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Thanks! We'll take a look at try to resolve whatever's causing the drop in performance.
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