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  • Mattisonfire511
    please help i made a report, i answered your question.

    May 2021
  • shadowking
    my friend... would you help me with multiplayer issues.. cant join any game... ports open. firewall not activated... i run out of possible solutions
    July 2020
  • ElDoggos
    Also we you should add better picks and stronger working bricktrons.
    March 2018
  • ElDoggos
    Can you add some new military units like a ninja or something and the kit would be crafted with clothe and iron.
    March 2018
  • Minion0ne
    i love the beardtron!
    February 2018
  • DavyLoL68
    for multiplayer, my friend is going to host, me in join then I put his IP address and his multiplayer port and it makes me outdated connection, help me please!
    February 2018
  • DavyLoL68
    pour le multijoueur, mon ami est aller dans héberger, moi dans rejoindre puis j'ai mis son addresse IP et son port multijoueur et ça me fait connexion périmée, aidez-moi svp !
    February 2018
  • DavyLoL68
    bonjour shatojon je souhaiterais aller en multijoueur avec mon ami mais je ne sais pas comment le rejoindre pourriez vous m aider a ce sujet
    February 2018
  • trojansumrall
    SHATOJON! I was really wishing Castle Story had a sandbox mode where you can spawn enemies when I stumbled on some similar thoughts from others. I saw your post on how to mod the easy game mode in this discussion so I tried it out. I have a Mac that I recently purchased and found the files and made the changes. When I loaded CS back up it worked fine except when I get to the point of selecting the difficulty. Nothing shows up on the right side of the screen. I uninstalled, shut down, restarted, all of my normal troubleshooting tactics but I think I broke it. PLEASE HELP.
    p.s. I will try to remember to check this post and get in touch with you somehow but I also have my email,,
    October 2017
  • jaidens234
    my game is very laggy
    September 2017
  • jaidens234
    why is my resolution not going any higher then 640 thats crazy can someone help me please
    September 2017
  • Robska
    September 2017
  • Shatojon changed his profile picture.
    July 2017
  • Shatojon changed his profile picture.
    July 2017
  • Shatojon changed his profile picture.
    June 2017
  • Shatojon changed his profile picture.
    June 2017
  • Shatojon changed his profile picture.
    June 2017
  • Shatojon changed his profile picture.
    June 2017
  • Aveliumar
    Sir, could you please look into your inbox? Thank you :)
    June 2017
  • Shatojon changed his profile picture.
    December 2016
  • kwhittastic
    Do you guys have all your music work finalized? Would love to contribute in some way and I have an experienced musical background... just wandering... also I know you've got lots of stuff on here but take a look at my tutorial discussion please... I just want to grow this community like a chia pet
    November 2016