Castle Story Conquest Tournament to Celebrate Official Release

SirDingaSirDinga Member
So, some of you may know that previously I held a Castle Story Conquest Tournament or CSC '16. Since then more players have been playing Castle Story and I decided along with the release of Castle Story Officially, a tournament could advertise the game we love to viewers who may not know what Castle Story is.

The tournament will be held as a double bracket, matches will be 4 player free-for-alls up until the quarter finals. Losers will have a second chance to win as they are placed in a losers bracket which in turn will lead to the final... anyway, let me worry about that. If you wish to participate, post your steam username as well as the name you wish to be known as down below.

Hopefully we can get a large range of players. I will be streaming a few matches on my personal Twitch channel (, I can also be found in the Castle Story discord, as well as here if you have any further questions.

@Shatojon has agreed to send the winner some Castle Story goodies as a prize!

Good luck!


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