Conquest Tournament! Enter Here!

SirDingaSirDinga Member
edited December 2016 in General discussions
So, I suggested a conquest tournament and it seemed as though a lot of people enjoyed the idea. As a result I've decided to put this discussion here to allow everyone to enter. If you wish to enter, simply state your steam username, country and a little bit of information about yourself. This is so the commentators, possibly Shatojon himself and I, can have information to work with whilst commentating. I myself will be entering.

If we get enough participants, the first bracket will be 4-player free for all. This does NOT mean that you cannot team up with another player on the battlefield. The last 2 remaining players will go to the next round, where any following rounds will be 1v1's.

There will be a prize that has yet to be determined, if you have any suggestions and would like to enter please put space between your player profile and your suggestion. Your suggestion should be marked with a P:.

Other than that information, if you have any further questions, please feel free to message me directly. Shatojon has said that if we get this tournament together and have it when the Castle Story team is in, then we can stream it and have it advertised on the official stream.

The actual brackets (rounds, for those who didn't know) will be designed around the amount of players we get, so if we get 33 players, there will be part of the bracket changed to accommodate these changes. No one gets left out.

Good luck, and thank you for entering!


  • I'm willing to enter in this E-Sport Castle Story tournament 1st edition !

    My steam username is "andr3x650" and I'm from Canada (Qc).
  • I'd like to enter; my steam name is "salt", I live in Colorado, and like procrastinating.

    -btw, wouldn't there be an issue with letting anyone team up... like what happens if someone brings 5 friends to a 33 ffa... they're granted to be in the next ffa.
  • I will also fight for honor and glory

    I am from Switzerland (ZH) and im17 years old maybe 2 of my friends will join, but they havn't decided yet.
  • Saltymouse, that is a very good point, I'll give it a think through.
  • edited January 2017
    Hey SirDinga

    i like Conquest tournament tho
    I will join and READY TO BATTLE!!!
    My Steam Name Is "Idear or No IDear"
    I live in Vietnam and i'm 16 year old
    I like Draw

    And someone need a player list of Conquest Tournament!
  • SilverDragon, Canada. King of derp. I like to build slowing walls, they don't always work out. :P
    I somehow imagine i wont last long in this match but what the hell let's give it a go.
  • DoeyIXDoeyIX Member
    edited February 2017
    I'll probably enter, depending on when it happens...
    So my steam name is Doey, I'm from England and my life is pretty much completely made up of Star Wars :/
    I've only played pvp twice, but maybe I'll get lucky and win?
    (Also, is there a date planned? And maybe its worth adding a link to here on a steam thread so more people can find this?)
  • I don't have a date planned but I'm thinking possibly the week after getting the 16th competitor. Also, if you want to put a link there, feel free! We could always use the publicity!
  • Exciting news! Whilst it is small, we can conduct the tournament on the 25th of February. I feel we need to shrink the bracket size down to 2 players per match to allow both myself and another commentator to watch the match and commentate. So if any of you have any ideas for the map's round wise (for example first round is on the map stepping stones, second is on the map is user generated, etc)?
  • Awesome! Maybe if there's going to be less players, it might be good idea to focus on the smaller maps (like troubled heaps). Also what sort of time would this begin?
  • I'm thinking around 2pm GMT or we can arrange a better time
  • Howdy, I'm bluebrain from Germany, 18 years of age. If it's not too late to enter I'd like to do it hereby. My Steam name is bluebrain_chef. I was part of the Castle Story QA team back in 2013 and have played Castle Story 125 hours since then. Don't be afraid, it's mostly Sandbox :wink:

    Since there are few people who entered yet, i would suggest to post a link to this site to the News Page in the Steam Community Hub (That would probably be a task for you, Shatojon; however, if you don't want to do it as this tournament is kind of unofficial, I would understand that as well.)
  • SirDingaSirDinga Member
    edited February 2017
  • bluebrain said:

    Howdy, I'm bluebrain from Germany, 18 years of age. If it's not too late to enter I'd like to do it hereby. My Steam name is bluebrain_chef. I was part of the Castle Story QA team back in 2013 and have played Castle Story 125 hours since then. Don't be afraid, it's mostly Sandbox :wink:

    Since there are few people who entered yet, i would suggest to post a link to this site to the News Page in the Steam Community Hub (That would probably be a task for you, Shatojon; however, if you don't want to do it as this tournament is kind of unofficial, I would understand that as well.)

    You may join!

    Tournament will be 25th of Feb so I'd say competitors have until the 23rd. After which I am going to be working on listings and the like, organising prizes and, all in all, finalising some things.
  • hola , me gustaría participar en este torneo , soy de España y mi nombre de vapor es gememix :
  • Thank you for entering!
  • 5diamonds5diamonds Member
    edited February 2017
    Toooo the Battleeeee!!
    Hi, i'm 5diamonds from Germany and 15 years old. So i would like to join the event to fight for honor and glory! (My steam username is also 5diamonds :wink:)
  • steam username: thide11
    country : Brazilian
    age: 15 years (2 years of high school)
    little bit of information about yourself: i like pizza
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    5diamonds said:

    to fight for honor and glory!

    That's the spirit!
  • Want to participate Shatojon?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Wish I could guys, I'm going to be moving around too much in the next weeks (GDC, PAX and other events/conventions). Besides, none of you stand a chance against my glorious military strategy mastermind. ;)
  • Oh really? Well, if it's not too much trouble, perhaps you would care to battle the winner of this tournament, Silver Dragon and myself in a free-for-all? I'm sure that would make a brilliant prize for the winner, to appear on the official dev stream. Of course that is if it isn't too much trouble?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    We could look into that once we're out of crunch mode, yeah :)
  • Awesome, here's hoping that goes well for you and the tournament goes well for us!
  • Important Match-up details!

  • I will also fight for honor and glory

    I am from Switzerland (ZH) and im17 years old maybe 2 of my friends will join, but they havn't decided yet.

    I'm waiting you !

    Avec le décalage horaire, cela risque d'être difficile, mais j'espère que l'on trouvera un moment pour se combattre honorablement :smile:
  • It's over?
  • Could be your lucky day kuzynn. Several people who were supposed to participate have basically disappeared so you may enter if you wish
  • Shouldn't this thread be closed or something like that? It's no longer active, 'this' tournament is over, and its still on the top of the thread.
  • ElBorak3ElBorak3 Member
    edited August 2017
    I am sad i missed such a thing
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