Multiplayer issues & Questions

Hi, me and some friends have recently bought the game and I we have experienced a lot of trouble to play online.
1.- Usually creating a new game and starting to play works just fine but after 30+ mins someone always gets disconnected "timed out" even though all of us have broadband connection and good latency.
2.- The real problem comes with rejoining the game. Loading the map takes a lot of time and its unreliable. Usually they have to rejoin the lobby at least a few times before it properly enables to play.
3.- When joining the map the host stucks on "waiting for other players" even though they are already viewing the map. Also sometimes player camera spawns under the island and is unable to move it back to the top.
I would like to know if its possible to share the map by drive or something and then paste it in some folder so they dont have to download it from the client or is there some fix we can apply.
Thanks for ur attention
Pd: we always play 3 player coop invasion normal in arecivo or plateaumont royal


  • Update: so we reinstalled clean the game and checked our MTU, so far the game downloads the map faster and smoother but now his bricktrons stop moving after a while.
  • Update: Looks like this freezing error has happened to a lot of ppl in the past but i cant find any fix besides rehosting everytime it happens
  • Update: we keep getting the "timed out" after playing for 30 mins prox
  • Update: host log after freeze on other player
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey ZahirX,

    You've opened a support ticket, we'll continue helping there.

    Thank you!
This discussion has been closed.