Can't I play the game after studying in college? I am puzzled.

Hi everyone,

I am new here. I can't speak English very well, but hope that you all can understand it.

I am a college student, majoring in engineering. I am busy with my study as a daily basis. After class, I choose to play one game called Fishing Mania Battle to relieve my much pressure from my busy study, but sometimes, I also worry that playing the game may have great impact on my daily study. So though I am hard with my study, sometimes, I just want to relax myself. So this is not only my concern, but my parents' concern. Hope that you can help me out of my trouble.

Can anyone help me out of my trouble?

Any ideas or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey alex!

    I think you may have landed on the wrong forum, this is a forum for the PC game Castle Story. I'll try to help out anyways!

    While studying can be important for your academic and professional success in the future, it's also important to take breaks at times and "turn your brain off" for a little bit to allow your mind to rest. If your way of relaxing is by playing a videogame, sure, go for it! As long as you don't get to engrossed, lose track of time and end up not studying at all.

    Best of luck in your studies! :)
  • Hey man,
    Appreciate your helping me. After school, I just want to play games to relax myself to relieve my pressure from my study. But I am not sure if it will impact my study.
    Do you have some games recommended that I can play for a college student? I just want one relaxing game and I don't want some scarlet games.
    Thanks again for your help.
  • Hey alex!
    I have the opposite opinion with him. I think as a student in school, you need to make use of your rest time to relax yourself while you are studying hard. As long as you are not addicted to games, it will do no harm to your study and life.Maybe you can try the type of games you mentioned, but remember, you can't delay your studies.

    Good luck ;)
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