game crashes on launch, whole computer freezes

ver since i bought the game, back in 2015 the loading screen freezes at 91% for a long time. and ever so often the game crashes and I have to force quit. The last few times that happen the whole laptop crashed and the only option after twenty minutes of waiting was to force the laptop to shut down. Over five times, twice the display adapters crashed and my screen would not work after the restart, safe mode a very long procedure.

In the last build and this one.

computer stats:
ASUS ROG windows 10 pro
intel i7-7700HQ
64-bit operating system

Display adapters:
intel HD 630
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

I hope this helps.


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Kaygon,

    Are your graphics card drivers up to date?

    Also, can you open your task manager and under the performance tab, make sure it's the correct GPU working when you launch the game?
  • KaygonKaygon Member

    there was an update necessary to the GTX driver, but when the invasion game started I was faced with a white screen. I tried to run as and administrator and got a blue screen...

    the task manager shows the GTX doing all the work.
  • KaygonKaygon Member
    hi there,
    so i tried launching the game again with the launcher, (steam shortcut) all i did was launch in a windowed mode that didn't take the whole screen. i got a crash but this time with a crash report.

    also got a 'crash.dmp' file but there was a popup: "file not allowed"

    hope this helps
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Kaygon,

    The logs are echoing the symptoms you're seeing with your PC: it seems like your graphics card driver is crashing. "d3d11: failed to create buffer" directX crashed in this case here too.

    It seems like your computer might be overheating and shutting down as a result - Castle Story booting up is probably making it works particularly hard. Have you dusted it recently?
  • KaygonKaygon Member
    It is a new laptop, very little dusting that I could do. temperature for both CPU and GPU is about average. neither went above 55 degree celsius. i used ROG gaming center while the game launched in windowed mode.
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    edited July 2018
    Hey Kaygon, I'm a little stumped and will forward this to a more tech-savvy dev. :)

    In the meanwhile, do you have any anti-virus running? Can you try disabling them then running CS? I've seen instances with other users of AVs blocking Castle Story.

    Also, which other games have you played that your laptop doesn't struggle to run?
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