locking task remove workers

If you lock a task (set the prirority to 0) the Workers that are already in that task won't be removed and will just continue as normal.


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Matthew,

    The worker will only leave the task after finishing their current action.
  • Like placing a brick or mining a block ? I have tried they stay in the task until they have nothing to do in that task or get out to do a other (higher prirority) task
  • EvaxMeorEvaxMeor Administrator Developer
    edited May 2018
    Hey there Matthew,

    Thanks for the report, I tested it on my side and the way it's working, if the bricktron is in a locked task, he will do his job until he can do another task, so if the other tasks are full (no space for another bricktron or no more goal), he will stay in that task.

    Vidéo: https://streamable.com/gv3u0

    Thanks for your support!
  • Yea. But if you lock a task in my opinion they should complete their currrent action and then leave even if there is no other task they can work in. I mean there is a reason why you lock that task.
  • JETS63JETS63 Member

    Yea. But if you lock a task in my opinion they should complete their currrent action and then leave even if there is no other task they can work in. I mean there is a reason why you lock that task.

    I agree 100% with Matthew. My quarry is locked, but a bricktron is still working in it. Its a bug that needs fixing
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