Missing Localisation strings
in Bug Reports
After i have updated my Translation i noticed quite some strings are missing. Most things have been mentioned before in Discord some are new due to the hotkey update. Here is just a List to have everything in one spot.
You currently can't translate most of the keys like plus minus return page up/down etc.
The Number keys can't be translated either and are shown as Alpha(Number)
The "Help" Button on top right can't be translated
"Close" in the right click menu can't be translated
If you host a game and click on the map selection. Some things on that screen aren't translateable. Some examples "New Game" "Load Game" "Back to Lobby" the Desctiption of those things "Lobby (As Host)" "Select Map" etc.
"Joining Game" and "Please wait..." if you join a lobby don't have a string either
The catapult that is build on the map can't be translated
The faction colors also don't seem to get translated even though strings excist.
##map_newmap has been removed from the file but should still be used
If you assign no key on primary it will show NONE There is a string for it (##mainmenu_options_assignkeybind_none) but it's only used for the Alternate column.
I noticed that "Clear Crafting Queue" would make more sense than "Crafting Clear Queue" i mentioned it before in Discord and Garou1337 agreed so i thought he noted it down. Well here it is again
Some Strings that are outdated or never were in use and can be removed
all ##gamemenu_help_popup_
##gamemenu_toolrackwheel_ This has been suggesed quite often i wonder why it's not ingame yet
##loading_tip_ Don't seem to be have been implemented yet they are all there and transladed
You currently can't translate most of the keys like plus minus return page up/down etc.
The Number keys can't be translated either and are shown as Alpha(Number)
The "Help" Button on top right can't be translated
"Close" in the right click menu can't be translated
If you host a game and click on the map selection. Some things on that screen aren't translateable. Some examples "New Game" "Load Game" "Back to Lobby" the Desctiption of those things "Lobby (As Host)" "Select Map" etc.
"Joining Game" and "Please wait..." if you join a lobby don't have a string either
The catapult that is build on the map can't be translated
The faction colors also don't seem to get translated even though strings excist.
##map_newmap has been removed from the file but should still be used
If you assign no key on primary it will show NONE There is a string for it (##mainmenu_options_assignkeybind_none) but it's only used for the Alternate column.
I noticed that "Clear Crafting Queue" would make more sense than "Crafting Clear Queue" i mentioned it before in Discord and Garou1337 agreed so i thought he noted it down. Well here it is again
Some Strings that are outdated or never were in use and can be removed
all ##gamemenu_help_popup_
##gamemenu_toolrackwheel_ This has been suggesed quite often i wonder why it's not ingame yet
##loading_tip_ Don't seem to be have been implemented yet they are all there and transladed
Not translatable or string not used:
"Help" button in the top right while in game
"Close" in the right click menu
Most things in Host game Map selection (screenshot attached)
"Enter text..." in Multiplayer lobby ##mainmenu_multiplayer_chatbox_entertext not used
"Joining Game" and "Please wait..." if you join a Multiplayer lobby
Strings for "Blue" "Red" "Green" "Orange" aren't used ##faction_
The default name "Player" if you join a Multiplayer game
The catapult that is build on the map isn't being translated (screenshot attached)
Keys not translatable
I made this key list since Garou asked me a while back on what specific keys i need to translate.
Here is a list of the keys that are used by default and can't be translated (using a German QWERTZ keyboard):
[shown key] for me [pressed key]
Page down
Page up
Back quote
Return shouldn't that be Enter ?
Equals for me +
Minus (same in German)
Plus (same in German) why is plus even a keybinding isn't it on the same key as equals ?
Tab (same in German)
And the keys that i changed that can't be translated:
Backslash for me it's < which is to the left of Y and right to Shift or ^ which is over Tab
Here are the Rest of the keys:
Slash for me #
Quote for me Ä
Backquote for me Ö
Semicolon for me Ü
Right Bracket for me ´
Left Bracket for me ß (sharp S)
I think something is a bit wrong since i don't know a single keyboard that has the layout that the game would suggest.
it would be like:
TAB qwertzuiop;=
CAPSLOCK asdfghjkl`"/
SHIFT \yxcvbnm,.-SHIFT
Strings that are no longer used.
##gamemenu_help_popup_todisable it has been update with 1.1.4 but i can't seem to find it ingame
I have assigned every string/line a number which went up to 2097. Then i went ingame and once i saw a number i replaced it with the actual text. I did the whole process 3 times. That brought me to 513 lines unused. 49 of those are for Future content. 61 Are Error Messages or Multiplayer which i couldn't or didn't want to test. That brings it down to 403 strings that are no longer used.
Those still can include error messages or Multiplayer related stuff, of course there is the possibility that i missed some.
Some of these should actually be in use or just duplicates.
Explenation for the first file.
I have used google charts to open the file.
In column B. If there is a number i didn't see it ingame.
Column C contains what should be in B.
Column D (@) means the same as if there is a number.
Column E (€) is either Multiplayer related (didn't want to bother people with joining and testing) or a Error Message
(|) means it's a future feature or it was a prototype
In the seccond file i already have removed some things and reordered some things here and there since the info of some things were 6 files further down. Mostly i did that file for me for better overview.
I had to zip them since .csv files don't seem to be allowed