Cannot do any online interaction (Not a firewall problem i think)

Recently tried to play with my friend and turn out i can't join anyone's lobby and no one can join my lobby (my buddy can join orthers tho, so i figured the problem is on my side). Firewall is allowing the game, did a integrity verification of the game on Steam too, no luck either. All the orther posts on the forum have configuring firewall's settings as the solution --> now i'm stuck.
Plz help!


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey MoonBoy,

    What kind of network setup do you have going on? Are you using a router? How are you trying to connect to friends?
  • Shatojon said:

    Hey MoonBoy,

    What kind of network setup do you have going on? Are you using a router? How are you trying to connect to friends?

    Yes i am using a router, and im trying to connect to friends through the internet (just like everyone else, idk whats the problem? Its not LAN or any virtual network creator, im sure of that)
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    There could be so many things stopping you from connecting to others, it's really difficult to tell.

    Are you willing to let me troubleshoot your issue via remote desktop access? It'll let me help you personally by seeing what you see and click around to try and figure out what's going on.

    If you'd like that, we could get it done next week. Just add me on Steam and let me know what day and time (and timezone) you'd be available.
  • Shatojon said:

    There could be so many things stopping you from connecting to others, it's really difficult to tell.

    Are you willing to let me troubleshoot your issue via remote desktop access? It'll let me help you personally by seeing what you see and click around to try and figure out what's going on.

    If you'd like that, we could get it done next week. Just add me on Steam and let me know what day and time (and timezone) you'd be available.

    That would be wonderful! Very nice of you to do that :smile:
    Friend invitation sent.
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