Multiplayer Conquest - Cannot load up saves

So I have mentioned this elsewhere, but here is a concise description of the issue along with several saves.

Conquest, 2 Players, Normal Coop Lights Out (or any other mode of conquest for that matter).
Saves cannot be loaded and played after a certain amount of time/triggers.
1. The game is played for roughly 2 hours.
2. The game is on a large map, there is a lot of corruptrons, there is a lot of bricktrons (essentially, the save is huge)
3. The save is large, but not huge enough to stop loading, and you are both on the same team.

Example 1 (Works):
If a game is started, played for 5 minutes, then saved. Upon going back to the menu screen, Player 1 can host the save, and Player 2 can join. Player 2 will download and switch to Team A, and after finishing the game will begin loading. Once Player 1 reaches 100%, Player 2 will advance past 69% in a short while and the game will start without issue.

Example 2 (Works):
If a game is started, played for some time, but not long enough to cause a significant amount of lag (see reports about lag/memory leaks), approximately an hour on a small to medium sized map, then saved. Upon going back to the menu screen, Player 1 can host the save and Player 2 can join. Player 2 will download and remain on Team B, and after finishing the game will begin loading. Once Player 1 reaches 100%, Player 2 will advance past 69% after a some time (can be anywhere from 1 - 5 minutes) and the game will start without further issues. Both players will be on different teams, and therefore will attack each other and not be able to see each other's base.

Example 3 (Does not work):
If a game is started, played for some time, but not long enough to cause a significant amount of lag (see reports about lag/memory leaks), approximately an hour on a small to medium sized map, then saved. Upon going back to the menu screen, Player 1 can host the save and Player 2 can join. Player 2 will download and switch to Team A, and after finishing the game will begin loading. Once Player 1 reaches 100%, Player 2 will be forever stuck at 69%. Data is still being sent and received on both computers as expected (as checked from task manager at least).

Example 4 (Does not work):
If a game is started, played for approximately 2 hours or more or until the lag starts to become intense for one or both players (see lag/memory leak issue reports), then saved. Upon going back to the menu screen, Player 1 can host the save and Player 2 can join. Player 2 will download and can either stay on Team B or switch to Team A, and after finishing the game will begin loading. Once player 1 reaches 100%, Player 2 will be forever stuck at 69%. Data is still being sent and received on both computers as expected (as checked from task manager at least).

The longer you play a game, the less likely you are able to load the save. Every save will eventually break. At the halfway point you will be unable to be on the same team. Shortly past that point, the second player will be able to load, but all of the AI will be running in place unable to move (however, they can be selected and told to move, which the Host player will be able to see them move according to the second player's commands).

Attached is multiple saves. In order from smallest to largest.
Example 1:
Example 2: (This one may not work, I may have overwritten the save that did work.)
Example 3: (This will actually load, however, Player 2 will have the AI stuck running in place), (This is a continuation of, that was restarted due to the lag preventing Player 2 from playing effectively. We restarted and played for another 2 hours. It can no longer be played).
Example 4: (I reached 8.8gb of memory usage and freezing every 1 - 5 seconds for 1 second periods), (I reached 9gb of memory usage and freezing every 1 - 10 seconds for 1 - 3 second
periods, CPU usage started at 70% when first starting the map, but averaged around 34-50% at the end. I had to tell Bricktrons to jump off the world to reduce my lag).

Please message continue to message me on Facebook if you need any immediate help/response.
I check the forums approximately 3-5 times a day now for responses, so post here if you need something that isn't immediate.
I can help test if needed, if there is some sort of stack trace or something you need me to run, just tell me how and I can recreate each scenario with my friend. I could also possibly stream/record the issues.


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