0.9 Discussion Thread

ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
edited June 2017 in Updates

Holy moly! 0.9 is out!

Chat it up, peeps!


  • Can you guys please make auto assign for bricktrons an option. Makes it hard to keep progress of tasks, because i try to make my mines and landscapes part of the build and bricktrons always switching around and dropping resources everywhere.
  • Awesome job guys - you're the best! Grab a beer and enjoy your weekend:D
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    BuildMeUp said:

    Can you guys please make auto assign for bricktrons an option. Makes it hard to keep progress of tasks, because i try to make my mines and landscapes part of the build and bricktrons always switching around and dropping resources everywhere.

    Hey BuildMeUp, just select Bricktrons and hit H. They won't do anything until given a direct order. If you want them back into automated mode, select them and hit H again.
  • Great!This new update is looking awesome,Im pretty interesed in the other new updates that you guys are working on(Sorry,if my english is messed up,my actual language is portuguese!)
  • Hi,
    Iḿ very happy to see many of my pet peeves have been solved. Iḿ waiting for a new video card, will test this asap!
  • I'm very excited about this update, I just love the furnace concept, it really makes this game much more creative. Good job keep up the good work! :)
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