
If I were to put together a conquest tournament, who would want to participate and would you, Sauropod, be interested in streaming the tournament?


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey SirDinga,

    I think that's an awesome idea. :) If you guys stream it, we'll definitely advertise and host it on Twitch, if it happens while there's people in the studio, hehe.
  • Well, I'll see what I can throw together. I have two people who would be interested not including myself.

    I'll also advertise it on my channel and the winner gets some kind of prize. I'm thinking of either 3 steam copies of the game to give to friends or something revolving around a guest spot on a stream perhaps.
  • saltymousesaltymouse Member
    edited January 2017

    I just found the other post (which I was looking for before writing this) and you can't delete messages on here only edit... so this is here now...
  • I would be interested in casting the tournament if this comes to fruition... though I'm not sure if there is a way to spectate or a way to take control of the camera. But please shoot me a Direct Message or an email if you want to get in touch!
  • Edit: Just noticed that this was attempted months ago but wasn't very umm professional. I'd like to know if you're interested in giving it another go.
  • Absolutely @infernal71 Sorry for the late reply, I have made another tournament here and am hoping to improve the quality 3-fold
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