Where can i change sthe Bricktron scaler in Sandbox?
Hey Guys,
When playing in Sandbox mode i got like 50 fireflies around the crystal, I could spawn them, but I do not have use for them.
Is there a way of ether editing the saved game or change the scaler for the blue crystal? So that the 6th ricktron needs like 100 crystal and the 7th would nee 120?
When playing in Sandbox mode i got like 50 fireflies around the crystal, I could spawn them, but I do not have use for them.
Is there a way of ether editing the saved game or change the scaler for the blue crystal? So that the 6th ricktron needs like 100 crystal and the 7th would nee 120?
Open your save file's "gameobjects.json" and find the "unitsPossibleToSpawn" that's really high (like 50) and set it to 0, 1 or whatever you'd like!
Hope that helps.
It was at 103 o.O
So doesn't it scale in Sandbox like it does in Invasion?
And it did not work -.-
Those Fireflies are the ones that f*** me up.
The bold 1 does count, it's the number of the fireflies.
"$id": "go:6072b784-7041-4244-84a4-32cbfb3e7478",
"$type": "UnityEngine.GameObject, UnityEngine",
"$assetKey": "Environment.CrystalFirefly",
"$parent": "go:47c86c8a-48f5-4976-a4fc-a71a1666758a",
"$path": "/Jeu/ObjetsDynamiques/go:47c86c8a-48f5-4976-a4fc-a71a1666758a/Fireflies",
"name": "CrystalFirefly (1)",
"components": [
"$type": "UnityEngine.Transform, UnityEngine",
"position": {
"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine",
"x": 368.94223,
"y": 155.2166,
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"localScale": {
"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine",
"x": 0.5,
"y": 0.5,
"z": 0.5
"$type": "Brix.Legacy.Luciole, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass",
"centre": {
"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine",
"x": 365.0,
"y": 151.0,
"z": 780.0
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"$ref": "go:47c86c8a-48f5-4976-a4fc-a71a1666758a"
"retourActif": null,
"refundValue": 1.0
"$type": "Brix.Legacy.Ame, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass",
"faction": {
"$component": "Brix.Game.Faction, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass",
"$ref": "go:Neutral"
"nom": "",
"classe": "",
"refundValue": 1.0
"$ref": "go:57c41d53-a5ca-424a-8e10-3db17f78f560"
"$ref": "go:57c41d53-a5ca-424a-8e10-3db17f78f560"
"$id": "go:9f1075cf-32c4-48d1-ac6d-10baf5813d43",
"$type": "UnityEngine.GameObject, UnityEngine",
"$assetKey": "Test.BricktronFlailingCollider",
"$parent": "go:57c41d53-a5ca-424a-8e10-3db17f78f560",
"$path": "/Jeu/Personnages/Bricktrons/go:57c41d53-a5ca-424a-8e10-3db17f78f560",
"activeSelf": false,
"name": "BricktronFlailingCollider (12)",
"components": [
"$type": "UnityEngine.Rigidbody, UnityEngine",
"isKinematic": false,
"useGravity": true