Low FPS after some minutes

Hi, when I was playing Castle Story in Singleplayer, I got very low FPS and i couldnt give my bricktrons orders because it lagged that hard.
My Graphiccard is a GeForce GTX 460 1GBRAM GoldenSample
and I have 8GB RAM
isnt that enough to run that Game? Because I'm playing with a Friend and his Game is alright, but he has a much older Graphiccard than me and much less GB RAM.
Currently I dont enjoy to play the new Update 0.7 because it lags so damn hard, that my eyes could die. Also installed newest Graphiccard-driver.
I love this Game but with that lag its just a pain.

Would be great if someone can help me out ;)


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Daemon,

    Could you provide us with the save file that is lagging?

    Thank you.
  • DaemonDaemon Member
    Uh safe file? The Map or what^^
  • DaemonDaemon Member
    Nvm, here u go, i also played on my own map btw^^ there are the 2 safe files from my world
  • DaemonDaemon Member
    Shatojon said:

    Hey Daemon,

    Could you provide us with the save file that is lagging?

    Thank you.

    +maybe u see my msg now^^ i attached my safe files so you can have a look into it
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Daemon,

    I can't seem to load either of these save files.

    Load the game and look at the bottom right, the yellow text, what does it say? EarlyAccess ____ - what are the numbers?

    Thank you.
  • DaemonDaemon Member
    Shatojon said:

    Hey Daemon,

    I can't seem to load either of these save files.

    Load the game and look at the bottom right, the yellow text, what does it say? EarlyAccess ____ - what are the numbers?

    Thank you.

    EarlyAcces (1244, 12, 2)

    actually there is a s missing at Access, i have a new safe-file that you can check now, but can it be that the multiplayer is really laggy? got some serious drops there. in singleplayer its works nearly fine but there are some short freezes also the bricktrons seems to be delayed for me to interact/build.
    would be great if the next update focuses on performance :wink:
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