ASK THE DEVS! (Entry limit: May 18th 13:00)

ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
edited May 2016 in General discussions

Howdy lads and lasses!

It's time for another Ask The Devs! Grab your diaries and courage in both hands and come ask us questions that have been keeping you up at night and we'll pick five of the best questions and get answers from our developers for you!

Please avoid suggestion-questions such as "Will you ever add __"? The answer is always; Maybe! Probably! We don't know! Instead, post these on our suggestions forums. :)


Every two weeks, we’ll invite you to submit us questions about Castle Story's development. It can be anything from game design, animation, sound design to programming, pathfinding, AI or anything related to game production!

In two Wednesdays (May 18th at 13:30), we'll pick five of the best questions and go poking around the studio to get answers from our busy devs! :D



Just post your questions as a reply in this thread!
On May 18th, we'll post the answers on!

We can't wait to see what questions you have in store for us!

- Team Sauropod


  • Since the game's release date is Spring 2016, will there be any special update with its final launch out of Alpha, and if so? Will it bring anything new with it? (l
    • Will there be more Faviann's Technical videos in showcasing some of the technical features in the game?
    • Will you be delaying the v1.0 planned release date from Spring 2016 to Spring 2017?
    • Will you also be planning to release this game on a different platform other than PC in the future (Both short-term and long-term)? (Nintendo NX is one I'm thinking of)
    • What past rejected plans for the game throughout the development years have been mentioned, that can be revealed to the public? Rejected, as in no longer viable, old plans that didn't meet standards, etc.
    • What are some game mechanics that you all haven't solved yet, but you wished to address later on? Maybe we can help with ideas that can work with the game as it is to solve those problems for you.
  • Do you also put new blocks into the 1.0 Update? And did you also put in some Community Ideas?
  • DoeyIXDoeyIX Member
    Why don't bricktrons get along with coruptrons?
    Because they have a rocky relationship.

    Sorry I couldn't help myself, but is there a reason?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    edited May 2016
    DoeyIX said:

    Why don't bricktrons get along with coruptrons?
    Because they have a rocky relationship.

  • TruckoTrucko Member
    Though it is fun to watch all the Bricktrons run around and do their thing, sometimes I find it boring when they are working on a big project. Will there be an option to speed up time in the game?
  • ° Will there be a Creative Mode?
  • Where is Ben and who is Shatojon?
    • Will the Crawler Corruptron be in the next few updates? I am thinking the "ferns" that Shatojon mentioned is for Crawlers to come out and spawn from.
    • How exactly do Bricktron workers work when they are able to change roles based on tools they pick up? Do Corruptrons nearby workers, suddenly have to target a specific Bricktron when that Bricktron picks up a bow and arrows?
    • What does last week's agile sprint looks like, if the team is using Scrum? Would it be nice to have a look for last week's sprint?
  • You should probably lock this thread by the time the deadline hits.
This discussion has been closed.