Multiplayer - Bricktons stop moving

I've a problem coming up everytime i try to play conquest vs my friend. After some time his figures stop moving, they are stuck in place (see in the video). This error is only visible for him, for me all figuers do their tasks.
We also played with "normal" starting number of 5 Bricktons, still same problem. When he hosts, my Bricktrons stop moving. There is no possibility that our computers are too slow or our Internet connection, 'cause we can play other games which need much more requierements.

Thank you


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Hammersbald,

    Do either of you have virtual network adapter software installed such as Hamachi or Tunngle?
  • Installed yes but not in use
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Hammersbald,

    That'll do it unfortunately. It affects the MTU on your system. The simplest solution would be to uninstall Hamachi then try again.

    If you don't want to uninstall Hamachi, you need to make sure maximum transmission unit (MTU) that the Unity app (in this case Castle Story) passes through is the default 1500 of your ethernet adapter, rather than Hamachi's which is likely lower.

    To check your MTU, type netsh interface ipv4 show subinterface in your CMD prompt.
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