[PART MOD] BASIS of the #MENU for your mods

FlyDozFlyDoz Member
edited June 2019 in Modding
You need:
-ModLoader https://forums.castlestory.net/discussion/7793/mod-loader-the-new-way-to-mod-also-my-teamcorruptron-event-3-submission#latest
-You can use Visual Studio 2017 (C# Net 4.5.2 library(dll))

In BASIS_MENU_Update1.rar places .cs files:
-__mod__Menu.cs - to change Menu mode (if you wanted)
-__mod__RainOfSpheres.cs - to read example mod with menu mod
.dll files:
-__mod__Menu.dll - to use in your mod(s)
-__mod__RainOfSpheres.dll - to see, this work

1)__mod__Menu.dll plase to folder ...\Castle Story\Plugins
2)(moding) link reference in your Project to __mod__Menu.dll

-minimaze window
-maximaze window
-move window

write if you have some question or suggestions how it work and what can do more in this basis
также можно на русском


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey FlyDoz! That's pretty awesome!

    Could you post a sample video or image?
  • FlyDozFlyDoz Member
    edited June 2019
    I work to update Menu, I post images by complete some version. [complete]
    And I can change [Mod Loader] menu, I think.
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    edited June 2019
    Oh man, that's very awesome! Thank you for sharing!

    Consider joining us on the Discord? There's a modding channel there! :) https://discord.gg/CastleStory
  • FlyDozFlyDoz Member
    I'm Foxy#5570 in Discord
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