My builds

Hello, i'm not good, but i want to share anyway my creations, give my little tribute to the community

So, this is my very first "big build", it's a warehouse with 96 stockpiles. It's a simple build, but it took 15 hours to build... and 2530 bricks





I'll be post some others things : )


  • BarbedBarbed Member
    edited March 2016
    Сначала подумал какая-то Церковь :D
    Прикольно ;)
  • You're not good??

    0_o you haven't seen my builds... Yours look great!!

    Keep it up! Maybe you would like to participate in our next community challenge?


  • 0_o you haven't seen my builds...

    Good point, Ben. We need evidence! :p

  • Ohhh no you don't lol!

    I have some pride left!

  • Don't worry! I can cover my eyes in the case it's too bad, hah! *giggle*
  • Don't even think about it ;)
  • HateMeHateMe Member
    edited April 2016

    I will post some other thing, probably...

    0_o you haven't seen my builds...

    Now i'm curious too...
  • HateMe said:


    I will post some other thing, probably...

    0_o you haven't seen my builds...

    Now i'm curious too...
    Yeah, let's keep on bothering Ben! Hah. :smiley:
  • HateMe said:


    I will post some other thing, probably...

    0_o you haven't seen my builds...

    Now i'm curious too...
    Yeah, let's keep on bothering Ben! Hah. :smiley:
    Okay I'm in. ;b
  • HateMeHateMe Member
    edited April 2016
    "Fugam Lighthouse"
    For the Community Challenge 2, i repost it here
    Build this thing was a bit hard, because the structure is empty inside for the most part, and the huge "windows" didn't help. And for this the pathfinding has had some problem, but it's there now!

    When i start build... i hadn't any plan in mind, just the base, so i've just start build, and thats it. In reality i wanted it to be a lot more bigger, but... just build this one took about 20 hours, so...





    Side and front

    Aaaand this ç.ç
    "1000 minutes in the current session"
  • Dammmmnnn! 0_o I love the way you disposed the torches at the top! Great build!
  • image


    The Eternity Tower

    I tried to make something detailed, and i'm happy with the result, it looks fine.
    I desined and build one part, or floor, at a time, so i did not know when it will ended, i just stopped when the bricktrons started having problem with the pathfinding, caused maybe for the stair design, i'm don't know. But it's tall, so i'm ok with that : D

    This is the entrance and the first two "floors"


    I think that this is the most detailed part of the tower... I like it


    And this is the top!

  • HateMeHateMe Member
    Hey, I build something else!

    I started more than 9 months ago, probably, I finished building a couple of weeks ago, over 280 hours total for the build.
    It's just a castle, turned out to be the biggest thing i've ever build in the game. There's this bridge thing that was particulary hard, but enough words, here's some pictures:


    A top view

    The castle contains various buildings: An armory, a forge, a workshop, a textile workshop, multiple storages, a temple and a wizard's tower. Plus some other random empty houses. I should've take a picture of every individual structure to give a better idea, probably will do that when I have some more time.

    That at the end of the "bridge", closer to the camera, is the temple.

    This is a closer view at the royal housing.
    I like of how it turned out, especially for the roof design.



    In the last one you can see the other side of the bridge: As you can see the design differs completely from the other side.

    So that was it, see ya!
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Very awesome, thank you for sharing. :D

    How are you enjoying the recent building-related updates and changes?
  • HateMeHateMe Member
    edited May 2018
    Shatojon said:

    Very awesome, thank you for sharing. :D

    How are you enjoying the recent building-related updates and changes?

    Honestly I didn't liked all the semplifications of the recent updates, I somewhat liked that building big things required real struggle, for some reason. Maybe I'm just a masochist, but it was more "realistic". But I get that some of those semplifications were needed because understanding the system (without the new features) if you are new to the game could have been frustrating or annoying, and on the plus side now it's really a lot more efficient. Also the new blocks are great, they add a bit more shape variety and whole new possibilities.
    After all is a good thing, but some of the very latest features (or "fixes") really seem to go against what the game wanted to be a long time ago: "Bricktron passing through each others" is an example.
    I'm not complaining, I think that making a game can be a real pain and involes a lot of compromises. I know that you are working on a new project, so I suppose you needed some quick changes that didn't involved too much work/rework, so, given this, I overall think this changes were probably the best solutions to the building system you could find. (Still hoping for that modding support, though!)
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey HateMe, you've hit the head on the nail with your last paragraph, yeah. :) Thank you for understanding.

    When it comes to modding support, the most recent news is a user named Electroz on the Discord working on a tool to let users load in code.
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