Memory Leak

Using alot of memory and cpu. use more and more over time. and get more lag spikes the longer i play. some times up to 8gb of ram. have a good build so the pc should handle the game.


  • Oh right, I've noticed that if you start a game, say invasion, and then quit to go back to the title screen, and start another game, it'll be a bit longer to get into it than last time. And, each time you do this, quitting to go back to title, and running a new game, it'll just seem to take that much longer. Longer and longer.

    And it's the same while playing. Play too long, and the performance wanes. That's why I always quit completely, and start, and then jump into a new game, and play with that. I never try to play a game after I've already played with this and that. Always fresh, since I've seen how the game is when messing around, starting and restarting. Maybe this helps in tracking down the memory leak?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Thanks guys, I'll forward this to the team.
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