High Density Vertical Stockpile

I've been looking for high density vertical storage solutions. I've been playing Invasion mode lately, and main my enemy is stone; I have too much of it, and nowhere to put it. I need to keep mining though - I need brimstone...In very high quantities.
To that end, I've been attempting to build a storage system that minimizes walking distance, as well as space occupied.
From outside of this building it takes (at minimum) 1 step to get to the first stockpile on the ground floor, 8 steps second floor, 12, for the third, and 4 more for each additional floor. Each floor is three blocks high, and has a density of 8 stockpiles per 84 block area (0.095piles/block)
This design is stack-able, and can go as high as desired.
Layer 1.1:
8 stockpiles, 4 1x1 blocks, 4 stairs

Layer 2.1:
4 plug H, 4 corbels, 4 braces, 4 stairs

Layer 3.1:
4 plug L, 4 corbels, 4 beams, 4 stairs

Layer 3.2:
16 beams, 16 planks

Layer 3.4
44 planks, 8 stockpiles

After this, there should be no problems expanding further upwards.

If anyone has any other stockpile designs, please show us! I'd love to see some designs that are faster to climb, cheaper to build, or smaller in area.


  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Oh wow, that's actually very awesome. Thank you for sharing. :D
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    I've put your thread on our community spotlight on http://www.castlestory.net/
  • Oh nice! I once did this but with ramps but it didn't turn out this compact. Nicely done!
  • Very cool design. Thanks for sharing
  • thank you for sharing i have used it alot and it is super usefull thx alot!
  • ProTip: If you are running into an issue of to much stone; create a build task and CTRL+Click the stockpiles that are full of stone. Stockpile will be erased along with the stone. You will have to re-create the stockpile but this helps a lot in those 5+hr games.
  • An awesome design, much better than what I had previously come up with! However...
    When the stockpiles at the ends get full, the Bricktrons can no longer walk under the wood supports... I had to make each floor 1 block taller, which I did by completing the stair spiral. Which also meant that the corbel could be replaced by just 1 block, I used an arch. Maybe I'll post my modified version! I'll give you credit for the original build, of course!
  • I thought I was the only lunatic who did this. The new spiral staircases make designs for this so much easier too as well.
  • Happybodi here,I couldn't find the steam login this time so I made an alt account. This can actually be upgraded by adding an extra row of planks to the sides of it and placing the stockpiles on the newly created edge,making room for 4 more stockpiles in the middle.Here's an example:https://imgur.com/ix9eXiO
  • Just like Happierbodi said you can extend the stockpiles by 4 by adding a extra plank on the sides, ive taken that one step further by adding additional stockpiles to each corner, doubling the storage per level from the original design.

  • That's a very cool upgrade... But I can't help but wonder, how did your Bricktrons get to the stockpiles on the corners? Was it by climbing on the corbel-arches on the sides, and reaching up? Like I noted earlier, the Bricktrons cannot walk under the wooden supports on the ends...
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