0.9 Door refuses to build
in Bug Reports
I built a door in a wall which work the first time. During a wave it was damaged by a corruption so I tried to repair it but the repair task would not target the damaged door. I then choose to destroy the door and tried to instruct my bricktrons to build a new one. After destroying the door they would drop one wood load and then refuse to do anything more. I killed every other worker task in the game and they still refused to work on it. I deleted the task with the door and tried to make a new door to the same result. After that I gave up in frustration and quit, I realized later I should have saved it. If I encounter it again I will attach a save file.
And guess what...... i don't tell it's is your problem but maybe it is.
I thought the door required only wood but.... that requiered 1 iron bar to finish the door and i haved no more iron bar
So that was very fast fixed.
Hope that's your problem