Straight way to Hell [1v1 Conquest / Invasion / Sandbox]

CreaperboxCreaperbox Member
edited January 2017 in Map Making
I finally uploaded a new map. its a 1v1 Conquest map, have some fun.

Watch the making right here:

Download the map here:


  • This is awesome, where can I find the map download?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Very cool, thank you for sharing Creaperbox :)
  • Pretty nice ! Is it on the workshop ?
  • @Hypsandar Its on the Steam workshop maybe I should add a Link ^^
  • @-Andre Yes its on the workshop
  • edited January 2017
    (sigh) i don't know how should i call you? But very cool tho
    Call me Idear! my friend
    IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU( Do you remember the comment that i was writed ?The timelapse ?Youtube you know?) ;)And I WILL DOWNLOAD YOUR MAP !!!! :D
    Also i was think about Conquest Tournament so i can join that because it is very interesting tho
    Oh hey could you make the map Conquest Tournaments ? I will draw Conquest Tournament and you make the map with world editor ! Can you?BECAUSE YOU HAVE A GREAT HAND SKILLED ABOUT MAKING THE MAP AND THE CASTLE!!!!! AND about your strategy i'm not sure? :p
    Can i add you to be friend in steam? :)
  • Great job! I can see you mastered the world editor!
  • @cretoneko thx ^^ I am honoured to hear it from you master
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