Unbreakable Trees

TeawanTeawan Member Backer
edited October 2016 in Bug Reports
Hi Folks,

normally trees are gone after three or four strikes. I have several trees which aren't gone after dozens of hits.
To be more accurate: They will never been cut :o

Any hints for me?



  • Ok, Problem solved. It looks like it was the savegame.After saving under a new name the trees can be cut :smiley:
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Glad to hear you solved it :)
  • TeawanTeawan Member Backer
    edited November 2016
    This problem occurs periodically. I am on version 7.10.b93b

    To solve it you need to:
    - save the game under a new name (do not overwrite)
    - quit the game
    - start the game
    - load the new save game
    - delete the lumber task
    - create a new lumber task

    Then there is a good chance it works. Otherwise redo from top :(

    Anyone around to send me some log?



    btw: why is the radius set to minimum after loading a game for lumber and cleaning tasks?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    About your btw question, it's a known bug, sorry about that.

    Feel free to provide some logs, we'll take a look. :)
  • TeawanTeawan Member Backer
    edited November 2016
    What kind of logs? I have no crashes.

    And the problem gets more serious over time. Now I can't cut ANY trees.

    Perhaps the save can help you.
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    edited November 2016
    Wow! First of all, your builds are awesome.

    Performance in the game is suffering a LOT in your save file because it's so huge.

    The bad news is, that's the reason some trees are "unbreakable", quitting takes so long and a slew of other issues.

    The good news is that this is something we're actively focusing on improving right now. I'm going to give your save file to our developers if that's okay, it's very useful to see what the core reasons for the performance drops are, helps them improve the situation a lot.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, but sit tight and keep those save files handy. They'll be a LOT more playable soon.
  • TeawanTeawan Member Backer
    edited November 2016
    Thank you. I'm happy if you like the builds.

    The download is public - so the developers are more than invited to use them.

    Let me know when it is available, if you like me to test I'm willing to assist (if not it's also fine with me).

    I defintly wait for the upgrade. Please ask them to keep them compatible or at least that I can convert them somehow.

    Sorry, I never learned to build small structures :p
    (see attached pictures from another game)
  • Sorry no update today.

    I just build two lines but removed a lot of supporting structures :/
  • Hi Folks,

    as my island was unplayable, I decided to pause the constructions.

    So I started an other island and can confirm:
    - loading is a lot faster
    - I can leave the game
    - Everything else (mining, constructing,...) is a lot faster
  • Teawan said:

    Hi Folks,

    as my island was unplayable, I decided to pause the constructions.

    So I started an other island and can confirm:
    - loading is a lot faster
    - I can leave the game
    - Everything else (mining, constructing,...) is a lot faster

    Game get's slower the more Bricktons u spawn, if they work.
    Also the number of placed Bricks does slow the game down as well.
  • Moin B4ll3ntin3s,

    the Bricktrons aren't my problem, but the placed bricks....

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