Manor House

My storage was full, so what can I do?

The idea was building a kind of Manor House for those who can afford it :p
Some luxury is mandatory ;)

First step was the foundation

Ground level is finished with the floor for the first storey

First floor is nearly completed

The tower on top of the north wing is finished

To hold the given time we had to work also the nights :o

I love the sunset over my construction area

Starting the roof. Its the best form with the given restrictions by Castle Story.
In the background you can see some of the other buildings on my island

As I mentioned my colleagues had to work several night shifts. The moon was beautiful that night B)

Still working on and at the roof

We are done! In time and money!

I like the view over the sea to the south

A view from the east on my little manor House



  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Wow, that's a very impressive build.

    Thank you for sharing :D
  • Amazing!
  • Thanks for the flowers :)
  • I'm at a loss for words...

  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Teawan! I wish you would have uploaded the save file with it!
  • No Problem. Here you are.

    You should be aware that this level might cause performance issues :open_mouth:

    Have fun with it.

    btw.: Anything new regarding the performance update?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    edited December 2016
    The upcoming update has some performance improvements, you're still likely to lose some performance with a bazillion stockpiles, souls and Bricktrons wandering about. :pensive:

    Thank you for the save file! Needed it for our Awesome Wall!

    How much FPS do you get in 0.7.11 with that save file?
  • TeawanTeawan Member Backer
    edited December 2016
    How can I find out what my FPS is? Is there a function in the game?

    Is it sufficient to upload the save game? Or is the map also needed to play the game?
  • And one more question: What are the performance killers? Is there a way to reduce the load?

    I tried to reduce the souls - but you disallowed me to kill some soldiers to get this done :tongue:

    OK, I can use a smaller number of Bricktrons.
    Lesser stockpiles might work also for me.

    So what would help best?

    But I won't build small structures! No way!
    I hope my Lighthouse will become ready today, perhaps tomorrow!
  • I like the idea with the wall. Hope it is wide enough :tongue:
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Check this article out on how to read a game's FPS;’s-fps-frames-per-second/

    Also, the save file actually contains the map data as well, so sending someone a save file will work fine even if they don't have the map. :)

    As for performance "killers", it depends a lot on what's going on in your game. A large amount of dynamic objects (stockpiles, bear traps, torches/lanterns), or lots of terrain manipulation (quarries, landscaping, etc).

    All of these have been worked on for the 0.8 update, performance should be better.
  • TeawanTeawan Member Backer
    edited December 2016
    I checked the attached save: 7 FPS with my System

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3001 MHz
    8GB RAM, 2.6 GB still free :)
    Windows 10 / 64 bit

    The seven FPS are the reason while I "parked" that save for a while :(

    Is there already a planned release date for the 0.8?
  • ShatojonShatojon Administrator Developer Backer Wiki Editor
    Hey Teawan, we have an internal release date but we'd rather not publicize it in case something causes us to delay it. It's coming soon though :)
  • I know - but I had to ask! I'm waiting.

    ... x-mas is coming so I have some hope
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