Trying to join game of Castle story through steam, "Invite is for different game"
in Multiplayer
When trying to join my friends game over steam, I get this error.
we are both definately running on the same version of the game, and have both verified our files and have had no errors.
If you have any advice at all, please do let me know!
we are both definately running on the same version of the game, and have both verified our files and have had no errors.
If you have any advice at all, please do let me know!
I'd recommend both of you try this;
We are able to connect to each other using IP and Port forwarding of course, but I'd consider it a bug since its a feature not working as intended.
What OS are you both on? Either of you on a bleeding edge branch?
my friend is on standard current release win 10.
While running bleeding edge it changed to version 6,5
Running the normal games was version 7,5
Please set your version to standard current release and restart Steam, then try again.
Thank you!
Not a clue why..
Any debug logs I can forward to you at all?
(I did no restarts or change backs btw)
Your logs will be under CastleStory_Data > output.txt