BenSauropodStudioBenSauropodStudio Administrator
edited March 2016 in General discussions

Hi everyone!

We’re happy to present the answers of our first Q&A session!


Every two weeks, we’ll invite our community members to submit us questions about the Castle Story development. It can be everything from game design, animation and sound design to programming, pathfinding, AI or anything related to the game production.

Afterwards, we will choose 5 questions and sit down with a developer to answer them!


  1. Simply write your question in this forum post.
  2. You have until APRIL 6th at midnight EST to submit your question!
  3. In two weeks, the answers well be posted right here:

And now for the answers! Thanks so much for the questions, there were too many for us to answer all of them.


Question 1

VeryDarkKnight: Do you plan on adding liquids in the game like water for example ?


Not at the moment. It would be nice visually, but it would not significantly impact the gameplay enough to justify the cost to develop this system.

On the technical side fluid simulations are extremely hard to program, and impact the performance significantly. There are ways of reducing this by having simplified fluid dynamics such as what was done in Minecraft, but the result can be very strange and inconsistent.

On a design standpoint, it would be very difficult to ensure that water stays inside a floating island. The player could easily cause a leak by digging a trench and end up losing all the water on a level. Without a replenishing source, this makes it so we cannot require a player to have access to water in the game design. We could add infinitely replenishing sources, but then how do we ensure that water doesn’t invade the entire level, causing chaos and tons of lag?

We’re not saying we will never add water in any shape or form, rather we’re saying that we’re trying to design the game so that water is not required. Thanks for asking!

Question 2

Stephano: Will there be any new maps introduced in later versions of the game?


Absolutely! Not only that, but we are working on bringing the world editor in the game which will allow players to create their own maps!

The few maps we’ve introduced so far we’re not designed for the current Conquest mode. And since the player experience depends a lot on how well the map is designed, you can totally expect a few conquest maps to be introduced as soon as the world editor is up and running.

Question 3:

JETS63: Will there be fire in the game? Archers need a new arrow, the flaming arrow.


Totally agree! Flaming arrows are a great idea, and a total no brainer in our game. However, they would need to be depletable, and would have to be crafted somehow. We’re currently working on ways of making that possible :)

As for fire, the answer is similar to the water system. It’s difficult to make well, and would have to serve a important purpose in the game design to justify spending so much energy programming. The good news is that fire is probably easier to make than water, and that I can think of many more reasons to have fire in the game design. This means it’s much more likely to happen, but it’s not our priority at the moment.

Question 4

Kljunar: More types of enemies?


Yes! We are currently working on a new type of unit for the Corruptrons named the "Crawler". He’s a 4 legged creature, and navigates the world differently than regular characters.

We’ve also started working on an additional character that we can’t confirm yet. The goal is for every new character to add an entire level of depth to the game. For example, the Minitron can be thrown over your walls to disrupt your defenses, and the Corruptron can throw stones at your archers to knock them down. Every new character will come with a set of special abilities, and not just a different set of stats and a new skin.

Question 5

goreu198: When will the world editor be back in the game?


The world editor has become our main focus after the release of 0.6. Before then, our map saving format was changing constantly for many reasons, and maintaining the compatibility with the world editor would have slowed down the development significantly.

I can confidently say that the world editor will be back in the next major patch. With much MUCH better user-friendliness, and a lot of flexibility that was not even available in the old version we had available.


  • Will there be new bricktron types?
  • HateMeHateMe Member
    edited March 2016
    Nice, thanks for the answers! I was thinking that for the flaming arrow you should use the same system that it's used in the various Stronghold games...

    Edit: Oh, and i have a question; What's your plan or status on grass and tree regrowth?
  • emreakyelemreakyel Member
    edited March 2016
    1. Will we be able to craft new weapons like polearms, crossbows ? (Like upgraded ones for warriors, stronger than default swords which they were born with)
    2. Cannons powered by yellow crystals ?
    3. Explosive Satchel Ballistas that can reload and shoot faster than a catapult, but makes less damage
    4. Ability to fill holes (Holes left by catapults look disgusting imo)
    5. Some sort of experience system and training dummies for warriors and archers

  • "We’ve also started working on an additional character that we can’t confirm yet"
    Are you talking about this guy with crystals on back? ; )
  • GermainGermain Administrator
    kuzynn said:

    "We’ve also started working on an additional character that we can’t confirm yet"
    Are you talking about this guy with crystals on back? ; )

    Yeah it's not really a secret. But we're still figuring out what his role will be in the grand scheme of things :)

  • HateMe said:

    What's your plan or status on grass and tree regrowth?

    Also a thing I would like to know! ;)
  • Mikxl23Mikxl23 Member
    edited March 2016
    There will be a ''Decoration Task''? Like the Flag in Castle story Trailer for Example? To make more cool and realistic castles!
  • SirMaxeNSirMaxeN Member
    edited March 2016
    You planed to make some campaign in game when game was in kickstarter phase, do you still plan make some missions with great stories - 'castlestories'?

    Also I think we should have choice to add some coruptrons in sandbox mode, because probably everyone want to test their big castles after hours of building. Do you plan something like this? something like godmode? I think in version 0.2 or lower was something similar
  • SirMaxeN said:

    Also I think we should have choice to add some coruptrons in sandbox mode, because probably everyone want to test their big castles after hours of building. Do you plan something like this? something like godmode? I think in version 0.2 or lower was something similar

    Huh, this makes me think of something...

    What are your plans regarding the presettings, especially for sandbox? I mean things like turning day/night circle on/off, amount of Bricktrons at the start, choosing starting location, coruptrons yes/no and stuff like that.

    I mean, it's a sandbox. Imho we should be able to adjust almost everything beforehand,shouldn't we?!

  • I'm thinking about getting this game based on what I've seen of it, but my computer isn't super powerful and I couldn't find any suggested specs on Steam. Do you have a suggestion of how powerful a machine would have to be to run this game in it's current state and a prediction on what it might require in it's final state?
  • Hi, we can't give specs at the moment since we are still developing the game, but if your computer isn't powerful I wouldn't recommend it.
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