New kits (Arbalist, Artificer, ...) not shown on the bottom right

All the new kits arent shown on the bottom right. I have attached a screenshot that hopefully clearyfies what i mean. The Knight has a Symbol and is shown but the Arbalist has not. It is like that for every new kit.


  • edited August 2017
    If you took the time to hover over it and read the description you would notice that it says melee units and ranged units. Well, I think it does. Tell me if I'm wrong.
  • You are correct, however, there seems to be a number of issues with the tabs in the bottom right.

    1. Clicking on the tab does not select the units, clicking on the small ~20% bar on the right side of it does select the units. The remaining ~80% of the tab is unused.

    2. Spawning in certain units has little to no effect on the amount of units displayed? After spawning a Halberdier and Knight, there was no diamonds. Spawning an Arbalest next caused a diamond to appear in the Melee units tab.

    3. Spawning Halberdiers does not count towards the diamond count of units at all.
    Arbalest does not count towards the diamond count of units at all.
    Artificier does not count towards the diamond count of units at all.
    Alchemist does not count towards the diamond count of units at all.

    4. The first Knight does not count, neither does the first archer, but every subsequent archer or knight does count.

    5. Follow these steps:
    1. Spawn a knight. Notice the lack of diamonds in the melee units tab.
    2. Spawn ANY other kit, INCLUDING a worker. Notice the diamond appear.
    3. Spawn that kit again, notice no diamond appear.
    4. Spawn a new Knight, again, notice no diamond appear.
    5. Spawn any other kit, including a worker, notice the diamond now appear.

    The same can be repeated for archers instead of knights.

  • Totes, I was just about to make a thread about this! Posting to bring he post count up!
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