How to handle surplus of materials

CastleBuilderCastleBuilder Member
edited December 2016 in Suggestions
Why not let us build some sort of incinerator we can use to dump and delete resources we don't need or can't accommodate? In order to make it simple to use under edit mode for each resource type have a button show up called incinerator whenever you have one built. This would make the Bricktrons dump any of the excess resources collected during resources gathering into the incinerator.

Another answer to this would be a lights out night time mode for the day and night cycle, but I don't know how that would affect performance. Of course a simple delete button for pre-existing stockpiles or their resources would be the easiest of solutions as well. I'm just simply tired of having to dump excess metals I have into the void of the world manually via micromanagement of like 4-8 Bricktrons at a time.

Or having to have archers, or knights destroy stockpiles, then pull out one of my busy Bricktrons from his task to rebuild said stockpiles.

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