My life (idearornoidear)

edited December 2016 in Stories!
i am not artist , i just want share for everyone to my picture.
My life is difficult and I suffered from asthma ,nobody like me except my only best friend ,Quan
He always help me to draw everything what i imagine and he say "Follow your dream and just do it"
So i always practise drawing every day also i learn English about the grammar ,word,ect.I respect my drawing skill and not only castle story but also like undertale , team fortress 2, call of duty , gmod ,everything.To me castle story have meaningful about creative ,defend,built,character.That i was say it VERY AWESOME so i will draw for my dream , my life and become artist
End.(I hope you understand my English write) :(
Truthly is i'm 15 year old and i don't want make you dissapoint me.


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