Automatic transfert task

Now that we can link project (quarry/building/...) to stockpiles we need another task : transfert.
This system should allow us to select some bricktrons and tell them to take ressources from one area to another.

With this we can make that the quarry will only deliver supply to the stockpile near the working site.
Same when you build something, you can tell your bricktrons to only take supply from the nearest stockpiles.

But then you need another task to tell some bricktrons to move supply from one area to the other.
Maybe this can help with the pathfinding AI.

Maybe add "road" for the long path. Then you can create fixed road (with one way road) between 2 sites (like quarry and storage) and tell your bricktrons to use fixed road.
This will probably help with the pathfinding AI.


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