Various ideas

ThisIsMadnessThisIsMadness Member
edited May 2018 in Suggestions
I'll probably add more ideas to this as things come to mind:

Pulley system. Place down a wheel and assign a (or more depending on weight) bricktron to it and you can lift wall segments upwards! the wheel would have limited range but could be extended with line of sight to a pulley that would require rope and wood to build, similar to how pylons work. Wood on a pulley will have the amazing property of supporting the wood below it, and when the bottom layer is broken the next layer will move in and replace it, giving great defence. Stone doesn't have this property so it'd only really work by pulling the gate up to close it, which would require a lot of bricktrons, but you can also use:

Metal blocks, that's right, metal blocks, coming to a castle near you! lighter and stronger than stone, and will fuse to adjacent metal blocks made on the same build order. because of this they only come in 1x1x1 sizes, but you can build horizontally, you can build downwards, you can punch it repeatedly, it doesn't care, it's metal, it's unfeeling!

The next suggestion is a halberdier buff. See this halberdier? it sucks, it wants to be cool but life has been cruel to it. but NOT ANYMORE! now for only 2.99 plus shipping you can make your own halberdier amazing! simply give it two blocks of range! that's right, I doubled the offer for it's melee range, now it can hit fools from behind fools! simply put your glass cannons that are halberdiers behind some knights, sit back, relax, give them nothing, take from them everything, and watch as your phalanx mows down any puny corruptron that get's close. maynotprotectagainstbiftrons,warlocks,cardiacarrest,orexplosions.consultadoctorbeforeuse.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! What if falling bricks, hurt as bad as falling bricks? Yes, falling objects hurting people! enemy at the gate? Drop a brick on it. Wife nagging you? Drop a brick on it. Got crippling depression? Drop a brick on it. Clearly the cure all of the medieval age, the solution and cause of all problems to ever exist. Also you could use it with the pulley to crush your enemy like a BUG!


  • Oh, and also use catapults to toss bricktrons. Truly the locomotion of the future. Can be used to get to high places, soar like a majestic minitron, and DYNAMIC ENTRY!
  • like it
  • Suggestion #1
    For some reason this recent iteration of the engine can't handle vertical movement, in fact that's why ladders are no longer a thing.

    I like it

    Suggestion #3
    Yeah the community (myself included) has been begging to improve the Halberdier's range. Because once you have a steady supply or surplus of iron ore, there's just no reason to build them anymore.
  • Suggestion #1
    For some reason this recent iteration of the engine can't handle vertical movement, in fact that's why ladders are no longer a thing.

    I like it

    Suggestion #3
    Yeah the community (myself included) has been begging to improve the Halberdier's range. Because once you have a steady supply or surplus of iron ore, there's just no reason to build them anymore.

    Seriously, the engine can't do vertical movement? I mean, there's jumping off blocks but I guess that requires some spaghetti junction to work. The real thing about idea 1 that would probably not work is the blocks moving to a new area and making it look normal. I guess use it like destroyed objects falling but with locked rotation, once again hurting enemies like a falling brick should, crush them all then just a basic movement upward, but I can imagine it would be real glitchy and have a ton of hitbox related weirdness and bricktrons getting stuck, but I don't really know how easy or hard any of this would be.
  • Sorry it's not the engine, but rather the Bricktron AI, sorry for the screw up there.

    Links related direct response from Shato and a programmer in regards to the AI not handling vertical movement too well. So the bricks, or materials going up walls by themselves could work. Again sorry for the misunderstanding here.
  • You don't have to apologise for good news, this just means elevated death from elevated positions!
  • Suggestion #1
    For some reason this recent iteration of the engine can't handle vertical movement, in fact that's why ladders are no longer a thing.

    I like it

    Suggestion #3
    Yeah the community (myself included) has been begging to improve the Halberdier's range. Because once you have a steady supply or surplus of iron ore, there's just no reason to build them anymore.

    I like how none of these are suggestions at all LMAO
  • I'll probably add more ideas to this as things come to mind:

    Pulley system. Place down a wheel and assign a (or more depending on weight) bricktron to it and you can lift wall segments upwards! the wheel would have limited range but could be extended with line of sight to a pulley that would require rope and wood to build, similar to how pylons work. Wood on a pulley will have the amazing property of supporting the wood below it, and when the bottom layer is broken the next layer will move in and replace it, giving great defence. Stone doesn't have this property so it'd only really work by pulling the gate up to close it, which would require a lot of bricktrons, but you can also use:

    Metal blocks, that's right, metal blocks, coming to a castle near you! lighter and stronger than stone, and will fuse to adjacent metal blocks made on the same build order. because of this they only come in 1x1x1 sizes, but you can build horizontally, you can build downwards, you can punch it repeatedly, it doesn't care, it's metal, it's unfeeling!

    The next suggestion is a halberdier buff. See this halberdier? it sucks, it wants to be cool but life has been cruel to it. but NOT ANYMORE! now for only 2.99 plus shipping you can make your own halberdier amazing! simply give it two blocks of range! that's right, I doubled the offer for it's melee range, now it can hit fools from behind fools! simply put your glass cannons that are halberdiers behind some knights, sit back, relax, give them nothing, take from them everything, and watch as your phalanx mows down any puny corruptron that get's close. maynotprotectagainstbiftrons,warlocks,cardiacarrest,orexplosions.consultadoctorbeforeuse.

    BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! What if falling bricks, hurt as bad as falling bricks? Yes, falling objects hurting people! enemy at the gate? Drop a brick on it. Wife nagging you? Drop a brick on it. Got crippling depression? Drop a brick on it. Clearly the cure all of the medieval age, the solution and cause of all problems to ever exist. Also you could use it with the pulley to crush your enemy like a BUG!

    That's exactly how everybody should suggest stuff, with loads of humor!
  • That's exactly how everybody should suggest stuff, with loads of humor!

    Seriously tho, I laughed a lot reading this.

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