Some ideas for the game

I like playing Castle Story with my friends and i have some ideas for the game.

Firstly, i think it would be interesting, if Corruptors uoud boild some buidings. For exemple, they can build defensive towers to protect crystals, some building to upgrate themselves. Cause, i think is very easy to grab crystals if you hawe a few soldiers. You kill 3-4 Corruptors and crystal is unprotected.

Secondly, on my opinion, it would be interesting, if crystals will increase some Bricktrons' stats. For exemple, one crystal will increase movement speed, another will increase damage, another increase number of items carried (20 stone --> 25 stone) and so on. It will stimulates for grabing of distant crystals

Also, i'd like to play campaign in Castle Story, and I even have some ideas for this.

By the way, why i can't play survival with my friend for different colours? I was making a good map for 3 players for survival and then i knew, we can play just for one colour :(


  • Great ideas, also a fix for the different colours is to do this.
    Download the attached file, go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Castle Story" and drag the "Info" file inside Info.rar (attached to this reply) into that folder. It'll add a new difficulty to your Survival called "Normal Fixed" or something along those lines.


    (It's just JSON (text) files so I presume I don't need a virus scan)
  • electroz said:

    It'll add a new difficulty to your Survival called "Normal Fixed" or something along those lines.

    Thanka a lot. I'll try this necessarily)
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