Landscaping with orange crystal and iron

Hey Guys,

everyone's got the same problem, we cannot make use of the orange crystal and the iron.
These recources are total stockpile blockers.
U got to destroy the stockpile ones it reaches 80 units. Otherwise those Stockpiles take up way to much space.

Could u implement a small change so that he bricktrons start using orange crystal and iron first when landscaping?

Hope u guys like the idea.


  • Can you elaborate what you mean?
    I've read this a couple times, and I still don't understand how the Bricktrons would utilize the orange crystal or iron while landscaping.

    I full-heartedly agree that we need something to use these materials on, but I also don't want to see their usefulness thrown away.
  • Well when u landscape am area sometimes u need to raise the ground.

    As an exampe I build a base, where I want to build a house on.
    Insted of just using stone to fill the foundation we could maybe use iron and orange crystal to build the foundation.

    Hope this makes it clearer.
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